:: Playoff Schedule (grades 5, 6, & 8), Trophy Night, 8th Grade Banquet
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 10:26PM
Doug Eymer in Playoffs, Schedule, SciCoh, Scituate MA, Youth Football, Youth Sports, equipment return

One Final JV Game
JV Game
 Saturday 11.05 Bridgewater Legion Field
10:00am Grade 5 
SciCoh vs. Bridgewater

Division One Playoffs
Saturday 11.05 Marshfield High School

5:00pm Grade 4 Bridgewater (Home) vs Marshfield (Away)
6:30pm** Grade 6 Bridgewater (Home) vs Hingham (Away)
8:00pm** Grade 8 
Marshfield (Home) vs Hingham (Away)

Sunday 11.06 Scituate High School
11:00am Grade 4 Hingham (Home) vs Barnstable (Away)
12:30pm** Grade 8 Bridgewater (Home) vs SciCoh (Away)
2:00pm**  Grade 6 SciCoh (Home) vs Marshfield (Away)

Division Five Playoffs
Saturday 11.05 Bridgewater Legion Field
5:00pm Grades 2/3 Bridgewater (Home) vs Hingham (Away)
6:30pm** Grade 5 Bridgewater (Home) vs SciCoh (Away)
8:00pm** Grade 7 Marshfield (Home) vs Bridgewater (Away)

Sunday 11.06 Hanover High School
11:00am Grades 2/3 Hanover (Home) vs Duxbury (Away)
12:30pm** Grade 7 Duxbury (Home ) vs Hanover (Away)
2:00pm** Grade 5 Hanover (Home) vs Hingham (Away )
**Reminder: The second and third games are approximate times since they depend on the game(s)
ahead of them. Please check with your coach for report time.

Save the Date:
Trophy Night
| Thursday, November 17, Cohasset High School Auditorium
Report times to be announced soon.

Save the Date:
Get that Damn Smelly Equipment out of the Hallway Day!

(equipment return day)
Sat. November 19, Le'Shed (Scituate High School parking lot)
Return times to be announced soon.

Save the Date:
SciCoh Eighth Grade Banquet
| November 20, 5:30pm, Barker Tavern

Article originally appeared on Welcome to SciCoh Youth Football & Cheerleading (http://scicohfootball.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.